Monday, July 18, 2011

16 year old male feeling lonely, depressed, stressed and whatever else you can think of.?

im gonna begin with saying dont ever let a girl bring you down like that. like girls say about men "there are plenty of fish in the sea" and for her to do that to you she wasnt a very good catch anyway way. i know what its liek to be depressed and wanna commit suicide i've even been hospitalized for trying to do so. if you feel like you wanna commit suicide GET HELP wanting to commit suicide isnt a healthy thought. think positive because if you think negative it will get you nowhere and make you feel even worse. as far as the whole 2.1 GPA tell your parents about your stress and depression in hopes theyll get off your butt about them for a little. if you think you need counseling go for it i've had counseling and found that it helped alot.

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