Saturday, July 16, 2011

I'm separated from my husband but want to get back together. Any advice?

My husband and I got married in August 2010 but separated 1 month later over a small argument. We met online when he was serving in Iraq and it was love at first sight. When he came home, I moved in with him that night (first night we ever met in person). yes, i know, careless move, but it was wonderful. We did everything together. We had a bond like no other. I know he was and is my one and only forever and always. We had a bad storm a month after we were married and lightning struck a tree in the graveyard beside my house. It ended up knocking down about 15 stones. Well my husband went out there the next morning and started moving stones and cutting the tree and hurt his back very badly (now facing surgery.) When he went to the hospital they tell him that he has permanently messed up his back and he has lung cancer. He went into a terrible depression, refusing to work things out thinking it was what was best for me. He is unsure to accept treatment. He is also being discharged from the military because of his condition and filing for disability. It just seemed like everything that could have possibly went wrong...did. we had such a strong bond just stress stood in the way of us getting along. We have a son together as well. A few months ago I was totally decided on divorce and even spoke to a lawyer, but as financial troubles would have it, I was forced to put t off for a little while. I have tried everything! But he wouldn't work on it, claiming he did not want to be with anyone. Well today he took me and our son out to eat and even stopped at the place we got married at on the way. We also slept together for the first time in months and their was so much passion there. Can anyone help me out here and tell me is he tryng to save this marriage now? or just being friendly?

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