Wednesday, July 13, 2011

If people hate America so much why do they look up to it?

I see so many people in America say they hate it and ****. I see people from other countrys they hate it. But I see more people say they love it, people that have never been to America love America. People wanna go to America not to visit but to live there. People want to live in America rather than just visit and site see. Some countries, like Japan, even want to copy America. So why do so many people hate America when more people love it? Are people jellous of America so the only way they know how to say it is to hate it and call all American's fat? I've herd some people call American's savages and blood thirsty killers. I see other countries do and have done much worse than America has ever done. I'm just asking, why hate such a grate thing? Why dislike a country that has helped so many countries and is the reason some countries still are around.

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