Monday, July 11, 2011

Terrible SAT score, what to do?

I guess I was kinda harsh on the other question. Its true that your SAT scores suck, but luckily for you they arent the only things colleges look at. They also care about your gpa, extra curriculars, leadership, recommendations, and your personal essays. I would say try to take leadership positions cause those can be really helpful. Also, your essay writing isnt bad so you could prob write a good application essay. get your teachers to look at your essays and help you write them. i dont know about your gpa, but obviously the higher it is and the more advanced your classes are the better. for youre test scores I would recommend trying the ACT to see if you do better (maybe not cause its more math/sciency but who knows) and doing practice books. If you do a couple practice books that have practice test and solutions with explanations, you can improve your score a lot. if there are SAT classes around, it wont hurt to take them. Theyll probably improve your score by a few hundred points actually. also keep working on the essays. the 7 you got on the essay is probably the best score you got so keep working on your essay writing

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