Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Does saying, "just as friends" really make things less awkward?

I think you should totally leave out the whole 'just as friends thing' it makes it more awkward 2 me(: Just say do u wanna hang out sometime? or word it how you want...maybe you should ask him for his # or just give him yours HOPE I HELPED(:

Convert a vcd to mp3?

I want to convert a vcd to a mp3 to upload to my itunes. I recently bought a vcd in Indonesia thinking it would be a cd.... now I want to upload the audio to my itunes. I googled how to do it online, but everything was from like 2004 so I wasn't sure how relevant that was anymore. Is there a service online that will do it for me for free?

What do you think of the nhs reforms ?

The NHS needs reforms but not the way the government propose to do it. We have incompetent Doctors, lazy staff and filthy hospitals. They are no longer a caring profession, but a load of money grabbing parasites. To give GPs more power and money beggars belief. They are creaming enough of our money off as it is with false tax returns, claiming mileage allowance for visiting patients. I have yet to hear of a patient being visited at home. This mileage allowance is being used for them to get to and from work when the rest of us have to pay our own costs, visits to restaurants and theatres are all claimed for and this is without the perks and junkets provided by the drug companies. This is not what the NHS was designed for, so my view is, let's get back to basics eg bring back the proper Matrons in hospitals, not jumped up wanna bees for a start and make GPs start earning their exorbitant salaries.

Could you give your advice to me?

Its a good POEM, but It wouldn't be much of a song... It could be an expressive poem, but I think to add music and such might kill the lyrics, if you know when i mean? Because to back up the lyrics, you would need powerful heavy metal music to go with the theme of the song, but it would over power the lyrics itself

Moving all those chinese factories to africa?

ok so hear me out! what if we got all the leaders of African countrys and got them to unite into one country and move all the chinese factorys there! so instead of "Made in China" it would be "Made in Africa" that would also boost economy and benefit alot of African countrys and once Africa's economy is up and it is stable they can then move the industry elsewhere if need to but.... will that make everything cheaper if they were too?

The metric system about mass.?

Other countrys do not use weight like the united states. They use the metric system mass. Is mass how much space can it take up? For an example a quarter have the same mass of a piece of meteorite but it weighs about a ton. Do they use a different form of weight or just the metric system? Weight changes in space, but mass don't. Some people might confuse this with volume also because of how long is in a hollow brick plus sometimes density.

Can Obama save the world?

THe War in iraq and afgan is costing usa over a trillion dollars.libya conflict over a billion,Obama can not save the world,so why should america go broke trying,Usa has a leader who thinks he is the messiah,giving billions of dollars away to countrys,while borrowing to do it,and trying to overthrow regimes that do not follow usa policy or go against usa,

Why isn't my itune syncing to my ipod?

All of the tracks are not downloading to me ipod, mainly my audio books that I have purchased from itunes. I contacted them and they simply keep telling me to update my itunes and ipod (i have done both of those) and sync them. is there something i am missing?

What should I do with boyfriend that is careless with my feelings.?

As a child and teen I have been super skinny, recently I have put on fifteen to twenty pounds and my boyfriend told me quote "you are the same weight as my sister and she has two kids" (I have no kids btw) I understand that I need to get back in shape but the way he said it was very insensitive. In fact it makes me want to eat more and not care what he thinks. I went to him for support and instead he ridiculed me. When I confronted him he said he did it as motivation for me and that me calling him insensitive was ridiculous. This isn't the first time he said something mean about me and when I confront him it is always the same response...that I am too sensitive and that is what he hates about me

My fiance is really mean/careless towards me lately.. what can I do?

Do not marry this man unless you are 100% sure that he is the man you want to be with. If he is rebelling against the wedding then there is a reason. If you love him and want to marry him, then just hold off the wedding. Give it more time. If you love him now, you can still love and marry him later. It is better to postpone the wedding then deal with a divorce b/c you rushed into it. Sorry for your loss, but I agree, you need to take time to grieve. A wedding will not solve anything, only cause more stress.

Girlfriend problems.........?

Well, it sounds to me like this woman is not a christian. That's your first problem. A good Christian woman would never back-talk her man and would do everything he says, humbly. My suggestion: One good slap in the face. One slap never hurt anybody, and it will get the message across. One time, my boyfriend wanted to have sex with me, but I had the flu and told him I didn't feel like it, so he slapped me, and I've never turned him down again! It fixed all our problems! One little slap! Give it a try!

What happens when you have no First House placements?

Everyone has a first house because the ascendant is always the first house no matter what, just like the midheaven is always the 10th house, the IC is always the 4th house, even though you can have different planets in the 1st,10th,and 4th houses but you always have all three of those no matter what, do you have a birth chart?

Problems with the Nuva ring anyone?!?

I just started the nuva ring (I'm use to taking the pill) well even though I've been with my boyfriend for a long time and he could careless but everytime we have sex now the stupid thing either gets hooked or pops out! It's a def mood killer for me. Does anyone know if this is normal or is it not in properly?

I Need a job this summer <3?

I despretely need to get a job this summer cause I have to start saving for a trip to New York in 2 years with my friends to celebrate the end of our exams before we seperate to go to different colleges that September! Because of the econmic state the countrys in there doesn't seem to be any jobs hiring! I have a good CV done out and have had work experience! I babysit for 6 families and all pay fairly well but I only may get a few days of that during holidays or maybe once every month or 2 otherwise and that €40 would usually be used soon after on bday presents, school trips or other events! I don't know how would be the best way to get a job!

Do you think that Steve Irwin was too careless at times and this ultimately cost him his life?

I know he was a true wildlife warrior and all, but when I see reruns of his show on Animal Planet there are times that I am horrified at the chances he took..which took his life in the long run.

Im so sick of this republican vs democrat d**k measuring bullcrap?

Do people not realize that ones not better than the other they both only do what is benificial for them i forget who said this but the day our nation becomes a two party system is when it will fail if america is fighting than we are to blind to see what is happining and pointing fingures isnt going to help we all need to wake up and take a look im curious what other countrys think

Why are my friends so flakey ?

Ok ..I have noticed that for the past few years ...some of my best and oldest friends / relationships have been ending due to them being so distant and flakey ..I mean I have known some of these friends for decades and they are so flakey I have decided to leave them alone ...I think your suppose to show your self friendly if you want to be and remain friends ...But why is it that it seems people are so careless and flakey lately ? Anyone else notice this ? OR is it just me?

I already know one thing, But should I go back?

You might have schizophrenia. Please see a (new) psychologist, the depressive phase in bipolar disorder can result in suicide!

Engine stalls while driving.?

I'm currently driving my dads Mazda 6 which is a standard. To begin with there is a knocking sound from the engine (not particularly the engine but in that area) within certain rpms per gear. Today tho I turned on the car and while usually the car revs up to 2krpm at ignition then falls down to roughly 700rpm at idle...this morning it revved up to 2krpm and stayed there as if I had my foot on the gas. On the way to work about 10 minutes of stopping at stop signs and making turns in 3rd gear (still going only 20 or so mph I feel the higher gears help fuel economy.) I was at a stop light and I put the car in neutral sat for a few mins then green light first gear and the car stalled...I thought to myself silly me mustve been careless (I never stall) but when i went to turn into my work in 2nd gear the car started to if the gear was too low....after work I drove home and I noticed when I take my foot off the gas the rpms fall to literally 0....and no engine sounds...but if i switch gears the car jerks and keeps going ( i assume this is "popping the clutch" tho i dont know exactly how to do that) Then my car actually started to stall in 2nd gear power steering out and even the "stall lights" (oil lamp and such) would come on. Any ideas? Its annoying and very inefficient to keep turning the car back on. Also it rained today could that be a factor to something?

Jamaican signing up for XBL?

Why when creating a new xbox live profile my windows id has to have us informarton as in address and zip code? I was wondering why Microsoft made it that way since they sell games worldwide so whats the point in not being able to use our own address and zip codes from our respective countrys?

Why do people get p.o'ed about the KKK?

honestly I could careless I'm not a racist person but if racist want to start their own klan then let them I mean if I saw someone wearing a KKK outfit yeah I might think WTF but they are people too they just don't like other racist. If it happens in a temple or where ever it is held and it's behind closed doors and no one from other races are getting hurt or effected by it then why can't people just leave them alone? I would never join but if some one wants to join that's their life style and why should we all be mad over how someone chooses to have a certain life style?

Will i be able to play the gears of war 3 beta?

i live in one of those countrys that have had problems with downloading the map packs in gears of war 2 the ''This isn't available from your current location'' will it do the same for the gears of war 3 beta? or will it just update and let me play it? i have epic edition of bulletstorm btw

Where could I get horse meat to try?

I live in new jersey & was wondering where I could go if I wanted to try a small ammount of horse meat. Saw that some countrys made it alot & there was a top chef episode on it & I was curious about how it actually tasted.

No such thing as a british accent?

britain is made up of 3 different countrys = wales scotland and england all with there own accents... So why do people say the british accent ? That would mean the person would be speakhng scottish english and welsh all at the same time which makes no sense,,, why cant penple accept that britain is not a country,,,,,,,

Why are girls expected to do more than guys?

Omg I totally understand where ur coming from that's excalty was happens to me. Expect the law only appiles when my parents r here but when they leave my brother is da women in da house cleaning etc

Which non western countrys are becoming less homophobic?

South Africa is quite gay-friendly. Gay marriage has been legal for more than 5 years now and the general population is starting to accept homosexuals more and more. There are of course quite a lot of anti-gay people as well, but they are becoming less and less severe about the matter. =]*X

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Why is Britain not spilt up in the Olympic games?

England,Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland are split up in every sport and athletics compation except the olympic games.because there not the same countrys,there just ruled by the same goverment

Why does my Vegas pro 10.0 play my videos so slow?

Assuming your using the same computer, try checking what else is running (in the background). Your RAM might be to busy to keep up your refresh rate.

What countrys have multiple citizenship?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How do you add an avatar fo your profile pic?

I'm having trouble doing this. I'm trying to upload my countrys flag as my pic, and for some reason I'm having a hard time....? like i go through all the steps, i upload the pic...then crop it...and after i do those steps is when i have a hard time. it brings me to an option of using the image which is up now ofthe blue pic with the exclamation point, rather than the pic i want....why is this? am I doing something wrong?

Need help finding an audiobook.?

Im reading a series called Thirst by Christopher Pike. I have tried and tried looking for an audio-book, but cant find it. HELP ME PLEASE!! :)

Why do people make me seem like im doing something wrong?

earlier i posted a question based on overweight people. a few understood the question. others, who i honestly dont think they even read the question, jumped straight to conclusions that i was 'making fun' or 'trying to make people feel bad'. i honestly hate offending people without a cause. it was supposed to be more of a 'get yourself together' thought than a 'your worthless' one. i honestly find it very ignorant of people to call me the jerk. i find it wrong to tell someone who is trying to help to 'go to hell' while they continue to damage their bodies by being careless of their weight.

Is there a way too see the weather countrys around the world at the moment?

Yes. Go to and pick -Weather- from the menu along the left side. You can put in any place in the world and see forecasts and satellite pics and everything.

Audio and video cable not working?

I just got this audio & video cable made by iwave (model IA7505) and it doesn't work. One end plugs into the iPods headphone jack and the other into av jacks in your television. I went online to see if I could diagnose the problem but it didn't help much iwave's website said its plug and play but it isn't working. Anybody have any ideas about what I may be doing wrong? Do I have to change settings on my iPod? (my iPod is a 4th gen iPod touch if it matters at all)

What countrys have more immigrants then natives?

Over here in the UAE theres more immigrants then their are emiratis but Is the UAE the only country in the world where the immgrants have overtaken a land?Here in the UAE the emiratis are the minoritys and their are more of the indian immigration population alone.

What are some viable alternatives to iMovie on a Mac?

You may try Final Cut Pro, it's cool video editing program for mac, I think it's much better than iMovie.

Why do people call me a communism supporter for marrying a girl who's father is a police officer in vietnam?

People call me crazy and a communism supporter for marrying a vietnamese girl who's father is a police officer in vietnam. I couldn't find a vietnamese girl from the united states to marry me so my mother had to ask my aunt in vietnam to set me up with a girl in vietnam for me to marry and bring back to the united states. They found this girl for me who's father is a police officer in vietnam and people now are calling derogatory names saying I'm supporting communism. How the heck am I supporting communism when I'm just looking for a girl to marry ??? I could careless if I am supporting communism because as long as I'm married I could careless if I am supporting communism. I need a girl in my life and I need a wife and this is the only way I can get a vietnamese wife.

Need help on my essay on lowering the drinking age ?

I have to right a 5 page research essay on loweing the drinking age but I cant think of anything more to tak about . I need enough to finish my last page so far its 4 pages. I talk about how at 18 you are consider an adult , like you can get married , vote, be charge like an adult , take loans out, serve the country, I also talk about how other countrys lower the drink age and it doesnt result in more drunk driving, and educating more on the issue as well as teens doing it as a rebellion so changing the law would result in less drinking.....I dont talk that much on being about to fight in war and being drafted by being 18 i just mention it.........if anyone has anymore ideas on that or anything else that i can relate it to please help.......

Turtle Beach px21 headset HELP?

So my earphones dont want to work anymore. The audio has went off completely. I bought them at gamestop store not online. Can i get another new px21 from turtle beach. I have only had the headset for 2 months. Will they give me a full refund?

I don't think this is fair what my manager is doing. Can you help?

Be happy. If something turns up missing off hours they can't blame you. You don't have a key. Look for the bright side.

If the United states went to war with another country,would Russia help? what countrys would most likely help?

Russia is not an ally with the US, it is only on friendly terms. If the US went to war against a country, Russia would do whatever they felt like and would not be required to help. If the US went to war, then Canada or Britain would probably help.

Any samurais left and ninjas?

And i mean samurais and real ninjas like the old days and are they still at war with each other?i know we are in modern times but in alot of countrys stuuff still go down like the old days so i wanna know.

The audio/tune to My Jeans by Jenna Rose has the same audio as which song?

So I heard this song and im 100% sure its the same tune as another song, a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is it wrong of me to ask?

So long story short, my roommate came home drunk one night and went to toss my laptop behind him onto the chair but instead he missed and it crashed to the floor. So now a decent sized chunk of the corner of the laptop has all dead pixels and now is completely white with some distortion around it and a few lines running down the screen. The computer still works but it really bugs the sh1t out of me so now I want to buy a new one. I understand it was an accident but still he was careless and ruined something of mine. So instead of making him buy me a new one I will just merely ask him to throw down $100 from his next paycheck and I will cover the rest. Am I being too lenient or am I asking for too much, personally I think my request is good enough.

Any one know of an organization dedicated to native americans?

hi i have felt much for the natives of this land (like jessica beil in that nic cage movie!) i have been wondering how to contribute, as is i have seen some "reservations" that look much like 3rd world countrys. it is utterly horrifying , knowing that is going on in our country, their land, their home..... any information would be helpfull . im sure more to them then me.

What's your favourite food on holiday?

I like to eat whatever the national dishes of the place I am visiting are and also the local (cold) beer while sunbathing.

Why do foreign people pass over every country and come to ireland to live.?

Ireland is in a bad state at the moment and with all the foreign people still coming over isnt helping. Why do they pass alot of other countrys and come all the way over hear to live.

How is the Taliban winning.?

Were getting out of there because its a pointless war and a lost cause. How did the Taliban win? Were giving the countrys security back to afghan government so we can get our troops home and stop wasting so much money and hopefully rebuild our economy so we stop wasting billions. To me its a war that nobody is going to win the taliban is actually under the most pressure it has ever been in right now. Now if you bring up vietnam fine i'll let that slide because they did get the best of us but this is a different situation.

Do you think this will be a good idea or may even happen the same day.?

What if we got as much as the democracy countries or countries that have equal rights as possible to join some kind of secret world union so we can out power any country and unexpectedly force dictators and Communist out of power turning them into democracies and in turn they can join the union and then do it over and over again to the countrys that are least expecting it. Then we each put a big chunk of money in to the worlds poorest countrys making them simular to are own and livable. What is your opinion on that.

DragonBox vs. Season Sets?

I would like to know which one is better. I personally like the Season Sets because of the nice color. But a lot of people are saying that the DragonBox is better. The reason why I don't like the DragonBox is just because of the color and the grain. Can you guys please explain which ones I should buy in good detail and a good explanation? I can really careless about the price of them.

What program lets you download the audio of a video on youtube down to computer?(More info)?

Like on a video on youtube,the audio or song.From that to computer to put it in your ipod or phone?Anyone knows??

How do you deal with growing up/lost friendships/nostalgia ? - 10 points?

I can relate, however, the studying and working will lead you to new friends and new adventures. I've lived in 4 states and have had the joy of meeting SO many people! Your friends play a role in your life while they are there, but life moves on, you move on, people move on. Enjoy the moment while you are in it, remember people fondly, think about the happy times and know there are SO many more coming in the future. If you can, find them on Facebook, share photos, memories, etc. My best friend from the time I was 4 until 15 and I reconnected after many years on FB and now we are able to share, reminisce and catch up.

Distance From Medan to Lake Toba?

Approx. on map is about 50 miles. But by road, the lake is on top of a hill and its a zig zag road up may be add another 20 miles,

Kindle won't play audio books?

I got a Kindle as a present. I loaded several audiobooks onto it and they worked fine. Recently, the screen was broken and I was sent a replacement, with all my books reloaded. I just tried to play one of the books, and it told me I couldn't play it because my Kindle wasnt authorized with If that hasnt been a problem before, why is it now? PLease help!!

Audio Brands Ranking/List Plz!?

I am starting to get into audio brands such as Sennheiser, Bose, Harman Kardon and so on. But i am looking for a list type ranking think with car brand analogies :P . Like Sennheiser-Toyota, ******-Ferrari

What is the best FREE sound recorder software for singing?

Know where to download a free sound recording software for Window 7 that has good audio quality for singing? I don't have those microphone and I can't buy them. I tried the normal sound recorder but when I try to sing and play it, it hurts my ears. It too bad quality for singing.

Why some plants only grow in certain countrys?

due to the soil and the climatic condition of the certain area there are some plants that grow in selected area's..

Could these be signs of pregnancy?

I am 17 years old and am freaking out, i can't be pregnant at this time in my life :( I have been on the pill for 3 weeks now and have been taking it every day but have not been very consistent on taking it at the same exact time every day. halfway through i took it a lot more consistently. I just had unprotected sex 3 days ago. I was supposed to get my period two days ago and all i have now is a light brown discharge that i have never gotten before and cramps. I am so worried that this is implantation bleeding which is an early sign of pregnancy. Please give me honest advice because i have no idea what to do and am so scared. I feel so stupid for being so careless :(

Is the world going to end today at 6?

its 6 already in different countrys and already may 22nd so im confused and scared is there gonna be a big earthqauke at 6 ... what do u thinkkkkkkkk

How can i become a better muslimah? Mature answers please.?

Well the best advice I can give you is that your still alive and the doors of repentance are still open and aslong as those doors are open Allah will forgive anything

Wheres eyeslipsface (e.l.f) sold at?

honestly online is best, at because everything is between a dollar up to about ten. they also have discount code on a lot. I've used the website before and had absolutely no problems and the products arrived within about two-three weeks which is on time for canada according to the FAQ.

AM modulation with colpitts oscillator?

I think, you can connect the audio signal between Cb & ground. If you connect the signal on R2 you will shunt the signal and it will pass DC signal as well which is not our required condition. Thank you.

Monday, July 18, 2011


keep her warm and away from other animals, including other frogs. Mist her so she doesn't dry out. I'm not sure if she should eat or not, im afraid she might have a problem internally. So like put her in a tubaware container or 10 gal tank with moistened soil and keep a low watt bulb or uv lamp on her plus misting till tomorrow.

Should I stop driving a car? I ran into a stray dog died.then,I bumped into a tree and garage wall.?

read your own post, and pay attention, you answered your own question. It sounds to me like you are not paying enough to what you were doing. Loud music one time, yaking with your cousin. Instead of yakking with the cousin pay attention and take your car down to the body shop and pay to fix it yourself. The money you spend will indeed get your attention the next time you are day dreaming listening to the music and decide to smack your house. You need to pay more attention and you need a wake up call. You have two good ones now, so pay for thse car repairs, and I promise you the next time you go to park you will be paying attention.

Info on maybe quitting specific meds?

I've been taking lithium and lamictal for a year or so and like everyone else I still have some of those ups and downs. About a week ago I forgot to take my medicine and got a little forgetful/careless. I feel the same, maybe a little better. Would it be stupid to still not take it? It causes me to be sick and I still have mild mood swings. I wonder if I'm fine but I read some people crash with serious manic or depressive episodes from this. I don't want to see another psychiatrist just because I recently moved and my insurance can't cover those visits. Just wondering if anyone has suggestions or information that could be useful.

The five big powers on the U.N. council?

i am just wondering what exactly seperates the main 5 powers from the rest, and if there is a debate in the U.N. about any situation what do the 5 nations do about it. and if they want to veto any kind of bill or solution do all the countrys vote or only the 5 permanent powers

How can i get Creative SoundBlaster X-FI MB 1.2 on my cpu?

Scrap the dell. I suggest an ASUS laptop, such as this one: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a The specs are great and asus is flawless. It's affordable too. :)

If you have voted Democrat as I have most of my life isn't it sad Democrats pander too much to the Right?

You are wrong in most of your question. Vitter's incident was 7 years old or more when a liberal hack squealed on him. His wife was told by him years before that. Vitter didn't lie. Weiner's activities were happening right now. And he LIED about it straight faced before the world wide audience. It is the lying, don't you get it????? Or do you tolerated lying as in Clinton's case? Don't get all hypocritical after you tolerated and defended Slick Clinton.

Where are we astronomers?

Right at this very momment inrelation to the centre of the galaxy? Is the centre above any particular country or countrys?

Making a cat happy indoor.?

Both Mercy's and Emily's answers are your best options. Kudos for being a responsible cat owner. Has she been spayed? If not, it might be part of the reason she wants outside. I'm certain that you don't want Prince Charming coming along and.... I'm certain you know what will happen on that date. Is it possible that those are Tom-Cats hanging out in your backyard waiting for a hot date with your little Princess?

My computer doesn't have A audio recording device?

I have an HP S1931a and I want to record music to put on "YouTube" but it always says "an audio recording device cannot be found. What do I do??!!!

Whats his problem, why hasn't he called me?? Help!!?

My ex left me with 2 kids and now I'm 36 wks pregnant now. He has not been there for me this whole pregnancy. I even found out that he was talking/sexing another woman. She knows I'm pregnant and can careless. He told me he met her 7 months ago. Well recently he told me he wanted to spend the night. I let him. I made him feel really comfortable. I didn't even bring up things I wanted to talk about because I didn't wanna make make him feel uncomfortable.(like how come he hasn't bought nothing for my baby or questions about that girl I know he was/is messing with while I'm pregnant.) So we had a good night. We had good sex something that we haven't done in like 4 months. Now its been 4 days since I dropped him off and I haven't even heard from him. He didn't even answer a text I sent him. I refuse to call or text him more then once. What's his problem?? Advice plz and how should I react when I finally do hear from him??

How can this bird survive?

Today I find a baby bird (I think it's a White-Throated Sparrow) at the corner of a subway staircase, waiting to me an intentional or accidental end. It was away from it's family and I saw it face close encounters with death as careless people nearly stomped it out. My mother rescued it and brought it home. It won't learn to fly or scavenge for food with us as owners. What can I do to return it to it's path in life as a New York City street bird.

M-Audio AV40 vs. M-Audio AV40 MKII?

I hear that as far as 2.0 computer speakers are concerned, the AV40s are among the best out there in terms of sound quality and construction. What about their updated model, the AV40 MKIIs? There aren't many reviews out there on them. Anyone have any experience with these? Are they better or worse than their predecessors? Should I just go with the older AV40s since they are so highly regarded? Thanks!

Everything has a end! When will Israel and Palestine sign a peace treaty and live in peace!?

Israel and Palestine need to solve there problem. This would help stabilize the middle east. Something has to happen. Two boxers can't stand in the ring slugging it out forever. That have to stop eventually as Israel and Palestine need to sign a peace treaty and live up to it. Maybe Palestine will need to pack there people up and move somewhere else then there will be peace. Since the other Arab countries always have something to say let them take the Palestinians into there countrys and give them citizenship!

How long does it take to show symptoms of aids?

I am a 24 year old female and for the past almost 6 years have had the same sex partner in which i know he has not cheated on me any. But anyways when i was quiet a bit younger say around 16 or 17 i had a few partners more like one night stands and being irresponciable young careless and the result of drinking. Now i am worried i could have contracted aids. I have told my boyfriend about the past experiences but i went probably a year or two after those experiences before being sexually active with my boyfriend and i have not been with anybody else since. I do not do drugs nor have i ever shared a needle or anything like that. I have been to the gyno and had pap test and cbcs from a regular doctor but as i have read about aids that those test wont show it. I have never had any symptoms of any STDs or do i have immune problems aka get sick often or frequently the only thing i experience is recurring yeast infections and i read on the packaginthat this could be caused by HIV. If i had contracted hiv 7-8 years ago would i be showing any symptoms by now? I am just kinda freaking Out. I am going to make a gyno appointment tomorrow and talk about testing me. Can your gyno test for aids and how long does it take to get the results. Back?

Would 2 12" FI SSD sound loud in a 2 12" pro box turbo bass box ran off of a rockford fosgate t1500.1bd at 1?

ohm I currently have the older style fosgate T1 12D4 but was looking for a spl set up the other sub I am looking at is the sundown audio SA-12 thanks for the input

Survey: your thoughts on gay marriage?

I could careless. If a dude wants to marry a dude, if a chick wants to marry a chick, I say go for it. It don't affect me at all. Why do so many people care what other people do?

Is herpes tested for during pregnancy (in beginning)?

I had gotten my blood taken & I know you can check for STDs this way. Do they check your blood for it. Some say yes some say no. Others say only if you ask. Shouldn't you be tested for EVERYTHING so they know if your baby is at harm or not? It seems so careless for doctors to not just test for everything. It's like playing a game of chance.

What did you think of the June 2011 Algebra II/Trig Regents?

I didn't think it was that bad. I made some careless mistakes -.- so I know I don't have a 100 on it, but I think I got somewhere in 90s.

16 year old male feeling lonely, depressed, stressed and whatever else you can think of.?

im gonna begin with saying dont ever let a girl bring you down like that. like girls say about men "there are plenty of fish in the sea" and for her to do that to you she wasnt a very good catch anyway way. i know what its liek to be depressed and wanna commit suicide i've even been hospitalized for trying to do so. if you feel like you wanna commit suicide GET HELP wanting to commit suicide isnt a healthy thought. think positive because if you think negative it will get you nowhere and make you feel even worse. as far as the whole 2.1 GPA tell your parents about your stress and depression in hopes theyll get off your butt about them for a little. if you think you need counseling go for it i've had counseling and found that it helped alot.

Recording live into Cubase 5.?

I want to record a acoustic set live into Cubase 5. I was wondering what I should use to capture a good sound. I have a way turning my ipod 4 generation into a digital condenser microphone and using the head phone output and taking an audio cable and running into my mic input of the laptop but I'm trying to think of some better ways to do this. Should I use the M-audio preamp mic buddy and a Shure dynamic mic ? Or do you think it's a better idea to use the Blue Berry pod casting USB microphone? If any one can shoot me some ideas on how to get a good clear sound please let me know. Thanks

Onlive homefront question?

i bought homefront a while back on onlive and it recently stopped producing sound during gameplay it works during cutscenes and the start up menus but it wont work in game i checked all audio settings it is all turned up to 100 what should i do?

How Do I Get Time To Pass Quickly At Work?

Ok so im a sign spinner and my job is sooo boring. I listen to music and audio books but i want to do something thatll get my mind off the time so it goes by faster. Any suggestions?

Would these specs be able to run WOW on Ultra settings?

I'm not sure. It's posible because u have nice processor and enough of RAM but he video card sucks... get at least HD 5670 and you will be fine.

Ipod says that some songs can't be transferred?

When syncing my Ipod Nano there are a few songs where t comes up with ".... was not coppied because the audio format is not supported by the ipod" What does it mean and how do I change it so I can have the songs on my ipod?

10 words from other countrys my family might use?

Okay so im from southern NZ. And i cant really think of any, so just any that your family would use ? Words like perfume. I'll pick the best answer and you'll get 10 pts :):)

If your on the heavier side do you ever worry about diabetes type 2?

The ads are correct -- those factors do increase your risk of developing type II diabetes. But type II diabetes doesn't develop overnight. You're getting regular checkups, that's good, and the checkups thus far have been clear, that's good also, so you don't need to panic. But if you don't make the appropriate lifestyle changes (which it sounds like you have every intention of doing), then down the road the tests might one day come back NOT ok. It's tough/impossible to predict who will develop diabetes and after how long, but there are good data supporting risk factor modification (overweight, inactivity, poor diet, etc). You seem to be right on track, or at least have a good plan of action, so continue to work with your healthcare team to make sure your plan is appropriate for you.

How to be a more careful person?

I can be really clumsy and careless sometimes. My mom has pointed that out and I know it's going to become a really bad habit especially when I get older and have a job. I'm not a smart person but what are some ways to make myself a less clumsy and more bright/careful person?

Why is my best friend acting weird?

I have had similar situation. What I did was tell her how I feel, how I want the old times back, just the old friend. For me it didn't work out, but I suggest talking to her. Let her know that she is your best friend and you want the good old times back. Tell her that the first time you met her, she was a great friend and that you would like to see her. Try to put this in a nice way, since she might be offended if you say you want the old her back. Explain to her that you like the beginning of your friendship and you would like to relive it.

How do you setup iPhone to tv with Sony digital media port adapter?

I have a Sony home theatre and this came with it. It only plugs into the back of the theatre nothing els. It has a video out so I plugged a video cable into the back and into the video in on the system.. Then I plugged a cable into the video out on the system and into the AV import on my flatscreen.. I switched the mode to AV on my tv and I tried to play YouTube videos but the TV was just showing blue only audio plays and the video plays on my iPhone... What am I doing wrong? Can someone help?

Long lasting laptops?

I have had dells and an hp....they all broke down...hinges becoming loose and the screening falling back, fan overheating and smoking. is there a good laptop that doesn't fall apart easily...maybe I'm careless, but my laptops don't last over a year.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My sound isn't working on my XP computer! Please help!?

So basically, I reformatted an old office computer we had, which is running XP Professional. I went to plug in a set of speakers, and nothing happened, no sound. There is not even a volume icon in the system tray because it is not reading a sound device. I checked the device manager, everything seems to be ok (drivers are ok, no alerts/exclamation points). So the device manager says everything is working properly. I even went into the BIOS and disabled, booted, rebooted, enabled the onboard audio, still nothing. The sound jack is part of the motherboard. When I go to control panel and then sound, it reads it as if there is no sound device. I know the speakers work because I used them in another computer, and I know the driver works because I used the same driver that it was already running prior to reformatting. I would also say it's a bad sound port, but this computer has jacks on the back and front, and neither work. Can anyone help? Thank you!!

Is it not true that christian missionarys in other countrys are later followed by the military ?

Just like the mission system of California 15th century. The mission was soon followed by the presidio (military garrision). Churches in Cambodia are being destroyed by the native Buddhist followers. And now I see posts calling on all patriotic americans to fight back and save the churches.. Just Like the native americans, christianity and it culture are being forced uopn them because of some delusional belief by christians that they are saving them. Same justification for killing indians.

2 re audio sx 15s any good?

My friend said they aren't good subs so..can some please help me out? It's either those or kicker l7 15s

How can i get my ipod to play in my car?

i hav a 5th gen ipod nano. its the 1 with a built in speaker and video camera. the prob is, the speaker isnt strong enough to play may music well enough. i hav an audio to audio cable, but my car's stereo doesnt hav a port for it. the stereo only has a cassette player. it also has radio. then, connected to it, is a 6 cd player thing. thats in the trunk tho. please help me, driving has gotten so boring, and music sure would help. thanks.

June 2011 Geometry Regents Question?

For the question on the regents with that you had to find the angle and they gave you the ratio of the circle 3:4:5, how much would they took off if you somehow ended up with 40 instead of 30 as your answer? I showed all of my work but somehow ended up writing 9x=360 instead of 12x=360. I think I got every other question right but made a careless mistake there. Will I only lose 1 point?

I cant find the right sound/audio drivers :(?

My operating system is Windows 7. I'm new to windows 7 and don't know where to get the info about the sound drivers.

Gift for my daughters kindergarten teacher?

The parents of the children in my daughter's class are putting money together ($30 each) and they are going to just give the teacher the money. Am I the only one who thinks this is a stupid idea? What i mean is, do you think the teacher would like it if we just gave her the money or should I say something about what I think? I was thinking maybe getting get a nice present or a gift card, but just giving the money up front seems careless and like they didn't even think about the gift. am I right?

How to deal with bad service from Verizon Customer Services?

I called Customer Service this morning to ask about the billing question and it turned out to be the most outrageous conversation. I always think Verizon strive the best to assisted customer in any way they can, but not this careless, ruthless and ignorance customer representative. Most business tries to make their customer happy with their product, but the assistance I got from Verizon this morning is a headache. By the way, I terminated my service by any cost to not ever have to deal with this careless, ruthless and ignorance customer representative.

Could stressing over possibly vein pregnant make me skip A period?

2 weeks ago we had unprotected sex. But ive been worrying about being pregnant or about a week because I realized we did it when I was ovulating. I was to careless to check at the time. Is stress making me miss it or am I pregnant?

Why is it illegal for the US gov to own or operate a business?

It's considered to be a conflict of interest as well as unfair competition. Plus in the USA all you have to do to raise a panic in the conservative part of the country is to whisper the word socialism.

22 Year old Dating an older man.............. I like him but is it all a game??

Hi Hun , it really depends on how old he is, is he pressuring u to have sex? because if he is i would run!!! because u'd know he is only in it for the sex, then once he has u in the sack it all goes down hill from there! also is he a married man?? because if he is he is defo using u as a bit on the side. i hope it has helped! sorry if ive got the story all mixed up and wrong but just trying to help. good luck babe xx keep me updated!

My closest friend being careless?

The reason he didn't ask you about it might be because he thinks it will upset you or make you uncomfortable.....or maybe HE'S uncomfortable talking about that kind of stuff:)

Which Navy job requires the most traveling around the world?

I'm joining the navy in couple of months and I havent chose a job yet. one of the reasons i joining the navy is for adventure and my love of traveling around the world. so my question to youll is which is the job the require the most absolutely traveling. by that I mean the most traveling I dont want to be stuck anywhere I want to travel to many countrys that I can in two years that I will join for. also what are the benefits for being in active duty for two years? if u have being in the navy tell me your experiences and all i need to know.. but most importantly which job do you know that has the most traveling. thanks!

Why can't I watch movies on my computer?

I downloaded Black Hawk Down via Torrent. The movie is longer than usual, other movies are usually of 1.5 hours. The problem is that I can't watch it on my computer as the video is stuck frequently while the sound is perfect. Other movies work fine, but the longer one's don't. The audio and video are in sync at the beginning, but the video is stuck as the movie progresses. I have 1 GB RAM and 128 MB VGA Card and processor with 2 cores. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

I am a nihilist among other things.......Is this crazy or normal?

Society is insane. Not you. I wish there were more people like you. I think very similarly to you actually :)

Why do we owe China and give money away?

We owe China 1 Trillion bucks. China is warning that it will be playing with fire if we skip an interest payment as some are suggesting. Why did we get into this mess of borrowing from communist and giving money to countrys that hate us like pakistan?

Dell Inspiron Audio Help?

the audio driver you got could still be incorrect. if that's the case, getting a right one installed should fix the issue. try if no help there, hope this dell site a href="" rel="nofollow" can be helpful to you instead. the program there offers free scan and may help you get the driver you need and fix the issue. good luck to you. ;)

Can I get around recruit friend in WoW?

So I'm in Iceland which is not one of the countrys you can recruit a friend but I know some people in Sweden who could help me out. My question is if I can get around not being able to recruit a friend? can my friend start the account in Sweden and then move it back to Iceland? would I still get the perks?

Relationships with women though the internet?

It can I mean it just depends on WHO you meet. Do your home and never go alone and go to places such malls (largely crowd places).

Sony Vegas Pro 8 won't open?

a href=""…/a

Which countrys will never have a chance to win the world cup?

People who say CONCACAF stand no chance are retarded, Mexicans and Americans are already starting to make their mark in top European leagues (Chicharito, Howard, Dempsey, Holden etc.) It's only a matter of time before both nations start consistently producing world class players. Not to mention, the MLS is probably the fastest progressing league in the world. Both nations will be serious contenders for the World Cup in 5-10 years.

Why is there so much fighting between countrys?

Im not talking wars, im talking stereotypes and mindless insults. Such as all americans are mcdonalds eating fatties. Things like that. Just stereotypes that people think everyone in a country does. And im not saying people do it only to america because america probably has the most, thats just the example that came off the top of my head.

My PS3 is connected to my Digistar LCD TV by way of a HDMI cable but I only get video and no sound. HELP!!!!!!?

I tried using my original PS3 AV cables and the video and audio worked perfectly. I also tried using the HDMI for video and AV for audio but that doesn't seem to work either because I still don't get audio. I have literally watched every YouTube video and read every forum about this problem and nothing seems to work for me. I am starting to get really pissed off and need help ASAP.

Looking for a high output alternator for car audio needs.?

try Ohio Generator... 330-875-6677 phone, What are you running that needs that power btw? ( just curious :) )

How can this bird survive?

Today I find a baby bird (I think it's a White-Throated Sparrow) at the corner of a subway staircase, waiting to me an intentional or accidental end. It was away from it's family and I saw it face close encounters with death as careless people nearly stomped it out. My mother rescued it and brought it home. It won't learn to fly or scavenge for food with us as owners. What can I do to return it to it's path in life as a New York City street bird.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Is this the best right now?

Well M18X should be housing 580M in near future and it is said to be 6 times better than 6970M CFd, so wait for it. It will futureproof this system more.

I am trying to burn a CD came to a problem?

I am trying to burn a cd on itunes and yes I have done this before but this is the first time I have done it on itunes so I came to an option that I haven't had before. I am talking a cd I can play in a Cd player and in the car. After I click burn playlist to cd though an option comes up that says Audio Cd (if audio gap between songs), Mp3, or CD/Dvd? Which one do I choose for a cd to play in a cd player and in the car? I have tried choosing on my own before but now the cd wont even play so it appears I chose the wrong one which was cd/dvd. Which one is right please?

Has anyone ever transferred credits from Institute of Audio Research (NY) to a College?

I called IAR to see exactly who they were accredited by (info not on IAR site) & the person who answered the phone couldn't answer the question. She then transferred me to the head of the school who told me they were accredited by ACCSC(Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges). Why isn't it listed? Are they hiding something?

Why we are so careless about privacy in spite of knowing the fact that we have wooden walls and flooring ?

Ignorance and unexpectations about the enemies and envious people, or over confidence about our co-lives.

Best Arab Country to Visit?

What is the best Arab Country to Visit? In terms of people, and their open-minded-ness and the countrys geography?

Problem with video on my computer?

My parents asked me to fix their computer. Turned out to be a nightmare, but now I've got it running smoothly. The only thing I'm not able to figure out or fix is that there seems to be a problem with anything that may need to use the graphics card at all. Youtube videos will freeze with the audio playing without a problem. Flash games, downloaded videos, DVDs, etc do the exact same. Now, there's no problem with the audio. It'll play smoothly whether the video freezes or the frame rate slows ridiculously, which leads me to believe it's solely a problem with the graphics card. My parents have had this computer for four years, and they say it has been doing this for about two. Is the problem the graphics card and is there any possible way to fix this?

Do you think that America interferes with other countrys' business too much?

I do. I think we need to mind our own business first before we bother another country and make them live the way we want them to...

Are urbanears plattan a good headphone to buy? ?

I was recently looking into headphones to buy, when I ran across the urbanears brand, specifically the plattan model. Style wise, I love them so much, but I am not sure how they stack up audio wise. Does anyone know?? And if possible, do you know of any other stylish, good sounding headphones?? Don't recommend beats, skullcandy or Bose. They are all overpriced brand names that don't sound all that great.

How would you protect yourself from getting raped?

I just discovered, well my friend told me they got raped. I got this tired sick feeling in my head and tried to forget what she has just revealed to me. But this got me thinking rape can happen to anyone, maybe me someday. When I walk around, it doesn't feel safe to go anywhere without going in a car. It's like there are rapists everywhere, you can't feel safe anywhere. That's what I thought when she told me the story. For some reason, when I hear the word rape, this means the end of the world. If I was raped, I think I would commit suicide. What are some ways to prevent getting raped? I am planning to always carry pepper spray with me nowadays. I've been so careless never thinking that bad stuff could be happening at any moment. We should be prepared.

ITunes help needed......?

Ok I have a single ringtone I created from an app on my iphone. Ok, I am currently not on the computer I normally sync with so its an empty library. I was able to get the ringtone off my iphone with filesharing without syncing but I cant get it on my iphone with out syncing and if I sync it says it will replace all my current songs with the current library which is nothing. How do I just sync this single 30 sec audio file and keep my current music library?

I'm separated from my husband but want to get back together. Any advice?

My husband and I got married in August 2010 but separated 1 month later over a small argument. We met online when he was serving in Iraq and it was love at first sight. When he came home, I moved in with him that night (first night we ever met in person). yes, i know, careless move, but it was wonderful. We did everything together. We had a bond like no other. I know he was and is my one and only forever and always. We had a bad storm a month after we were married and lightning struck a tree in the graveyard beside my house. It ended up knocking down about 15 stones. Well my husband went out there the next morning and started moving stones and cutting the tree and hurt his back very badly (now facing surgery.) When he went to the hospital they tell him that he has permanently messed up his back and he has lung cancer. He went into a terrible depression, refusing to work things out thinking it was what was best for me. He is unsure to accept treatment. He is also being discharged from the military because of his condition and filing for disability. It just seemed like everything that could have possibly went wrong...did. we had such a strong bond just stress stood in the way of us getting along. We have a son together as well. A few months ago I was totally decided on divorce and even spoke to a lawyer, but as financial troubles would have it, I was forced to put t off for a little while. I have tried everything! But he wouldn't work on it, claiming he did not want to be with anyone. Well today he took me and our son out to eat and even stopped at the place we got married at on the way. We also slept together for the first time in months and their was so much passion there. Can anyone help me out here and tell me is he tryng to save this marriage now? or just being friendly?

Why are european countrys so stupid They all think America is fat lazzy gun crazy and stupid. But thats not?

true we are 100 times smarter than them and we are not scared to use or own gus i mean what type of cowards are afraid of guns!! If America didn't become the world leader europe would be siting in the dark not able to do anything tech wise just being depressed all the tome not to mention broke. Now i know there are so nice smart europeans so not all of them are bad but i feel bad for them.

HLDJ Hear Your Own Audio?

Are you supposed to hear your own audio? I go into a private server and enter all the commands that are supposed to be entered. Then I hit the play audio button and I see the little speak icon as well as my name in blue because that is my team. Now I know you aren't supposed to hear what you are saying usually but I was wondering if HLDJ was an exception?

Audio FX pro 5+1 Headphones aren't working?

I have some Audio FX pro 5+1 Headphones that recently stopped working. I was in ventrillo and all of a sudden the input wasn't working right. I could hear the other people talking but they couldn't hear me. I checked and nothing was muted in vent or on my headset. I was thinking maybe the drivers need updates, but I cant find the drivers anywhere. Any help?

Why do people call me a communism supporter for marrying a girl who's father is a police officer in vietnam?

People call me crazy and a communism supporter for marrying a vietnamese girl who's father is a police officer in vietnam. I couldn't find a vietnamese girl from the united states to marry me so my mother had to ask my aunt in vietnam to set me up with a girl in vietnam for me to marry and bring back to the united states. They found this girl for me who's father is a police officer in vietnam and people now are calling derogatory names saying I'm supporting communism. How the heck am I supporting communism when I'm just looking for a girl to marry ??? I could careless if I am supporting communism because as long as I'm married I could careless if I am supporting communism. I need a girl in my life and I need a wife and this is the only way I can get a vietnamese wife.

Who is in the wrong here?

My fiancee smokes pot and I HATE it, I mean, I have nothing against smokin' folk, but when he smokes, he becomes negligent, ignores me, and gets dependent on it and if he can't find any, he resorts to spice (incense K12) and that makes him downright disrespectful and careless to everything and anything that pertains to me. I asked him ( this was like 3 months ago) if he would be respectful enough to ask me before he just goes off and does it since it is something I really hate. I said "if you have the respect enough to ask if it would bother me, it would really make things a lot smoother". I am not trying to control him, cause he knows he does whatever he wants, I just want him to realize that something that makes me uneasy, should be discussed, as if my opinion on the matter is valid in whether he does it or not. So for the past 3 months, just about every time he wants to buy some, he comes up, tries to manipulate me with hugs and kisses and of course I say it is okay, I have been so lenient and okay with it cause he has had the respect to ask me. Yesterday, he dawns on me that "it doesn't matter what you say, yes or no.. I am going to do it anyway cause I neeeeeeeed it, my job sucks" I said "so why did you ask me in the first place!" he said "cause you asked me to, so you would think your opinion is valid when it really isn't, you can't control me, I am going to do what I want, and when I want, you have no say" I said " I don't want to control you, I just don't like you doing it! What, you think I wanted you to ask me cause I just wanted to hear the words?" After all that, with no solution, we played the silent treatment, went to his moms for a feast, at this time he was starting to be nice to me, as if he was going to be sorry. On the way back, we drove to walmart and parked right along side his Cousins car (his cousin was in the car) my fiancee hands me a 20$ bill and asks me to go shopping for food, I look dumbfounded as to why we are here, then he gets out of the car to get into his Cousins car and I go "are you kidding me? After this huge, unsolved argument that took the whole day you are going to go smoke up in your cousins car and send me to buy milk and eggs.." he goes "yup, well if you want to buy cookies, go ahead, I told you I am going to do what I want, see you in a bit". So now I am infuriated by his audacity, who is in the wrong here, and who is in the right, if anyone, just be honest. I need someone to make sense.

Where can i chat with my webcam to other countrys?

ok so i got a new brand laptop i just want to know where is a free website so i chat with my webcam bc i wana see my family in mexico ????

My microphone is outputting whatever my headphones hear-- but not my voice. How do I fix this?

so you're wondering why your headphones turn into microphones when you plug them into microphone ports?

Any one know of an organization dedicated to helping native americans?

hi i have felt much for the natives of this land (like jessica beil in that nic cage movie!) i have been wondering how to contribute, as is i have seen some "reservations" that look much like 3rd world countrys. it is utterly horrifying , knowing that is going on in our country, their land, their home..... any information would be helpfull . im sure more to them then me.

I need a protective case for my iPhone 4?

The Rilakkuma cat case for iphone 4 is really a great case to protect your iphone 4, but the most important thing is that it is very cute, if you are a girl, it would be perfect $17.99 free shipping from a href="," rel="nofollow"…/a but if you are a man, the Speck ToughSkin iPhone 4 case would be great.

What countrys own Antartica?

I know its more then one (also i`m going toput this in for Hetalia fans) If there was Antartica in Hetalia would he be everyone`s *****? Cause so many countrys own him XD

Questions about Pottermore?

Well, I'm not sure what she meant. she didnt say what it would be on. I'm a bit sad she is allowing them on ebooks....I mean everyone else likes it, but it just feels wrong to me.....:( I dont like ebooks! >:O

Friday, July 15, 2011

Which Bass kit would be better for my car? or with the recommended 1400-watt amp. I want my car to shake and rattle

My boyfriend never bothers to call or message me regularly, he ignores me as well. What should i do?

i am in relation with a guy,we want to marry each other,he has talked with his parents,the problem is that he is of very careless nature,he never bothers to call or message me regularly..we talk only when i call and suddenly he starts igoring my calls..he does not give me time..i have told him about this but still no change in him.. what should i do. I need him and his time.

2 Re audio SX,vs 2 kicker L7 15's on a Rockford fosgate T2000.1?

Was really excited about getting the kickers, but after see'ing the The sx 15s on YouTube they look BA, INO square subs have a larger surface area so they can produce more sound,but are they louder than the sx 15s??

Question about pauls trip to other countrys after jesus death in Acts?

In Acts when apostle Paul went to other country's to spread the news about Jesus i know how it said he went to rome and other countries in asia the middle eastern country's, but what about america, and south and central america and other countries in africa besides egypt and other asian countries like china japan korea vietnam Thailand russia etc? How come he or no one went to those countries to share the news about God and Jesus? oh and also other parts of europe to i forgot to mention like england, germany etc.

Can someone help me with a poem?

And the clouds *where* out of sight. You need to change that to were. Also, for the title you should call it "Freedom for Forbidden Lovers". Also I just wanted to say that I really really like this poem. I love the way it tells a story:) but it ends so sad! Why did they have to die?!

Video Capturing Program?

What is a Good Video Capturing program that can transfer Video/audio (at the same time) to do Live Stream

Is this a part of puberty?

Like my nipple feels like a small ball shape under my nipple and as my careless dad said its just puberty if it is explain it like what it its

What are some sports that are unique to only Spanish speaking countrys?

It can only be played there. And if your going to say bull fighting don't waste your time because it's really not. lol.

If america still uses the m2browning, why dont we still use the 1919?

just wondering, i know its a stupid question. i know some countrys, albeit poor ones still use them.

What are some good songs for a Musical Theatre audition?

I am a 16 year old tenor/bass (though I can hit a few notes higher than that) and I was trying to find an upbeat song and a ballad for my Musical Theatre audition. For obvious reasons these songs need to be from a musical so I am looking for some good suggestions. If you could include a video or audio link to the songs that would be very helpful (but you don't HAVE to).

Can anyone tell me why my audio files don't work on Windows Movie Maker?

I try to import mp3 files and I choose MP3 in files of type drop bar, but it says \My Music\Prophecy.mp3 could not be imported. The selected file is not valid or is corrupted. I don't think it is corrupted because I can listen to it.

I'm stuck in the Nether, how do I find the portal?

So I went through to the nether, and I was careless and didn't leave any torches or anything near the portal and I didn't bring a map. I have a compass though, even if it's flipping out. I used the fly mod to obtain glowstone and I guess I went a little too far. How do I get out? DX

What does fake region go in PSP?

In the vsh menu on a hacked psp,an option called fake region is there and there are many countrys.What does that really do?

Top 5 hockey countrys in the world?

I'm an American and I believe Canada is number one with a slight edge over the us, which I'd put at number two. But I can't think of what other country's are good at hockey besides russia

Should the government restrict people from having too much fun?

I got a gun that says I can do pretty much whatever I want without abusing people or their property.

Family tradition? opinions?

Hey im jake thao im 14. My family has this weired tradition that is passed on by generations. I have to move to one of these countrys when im 18 and live there for the rest of my life: Japan, Malaysia, Syria, or Taiwan. Its a crazy tradition but i HAVE to do this when im 18. So wich country out of the four should i go to?

What are your views about Islam should I convert from Christianity to Islam?

well u know , there i no any other way to god than trau jesus .and mohammad was in this world just for the muslim and can only speark one langauge,and jesus was in this world for all man kind for both muslim and the christians,,if ur in christ ur sure of salvation but in muslim ur not sure of ur salvation.

Advice on recording drums?

Ok, My friend and I are both musicians and have recently been talking about recording our ideas. He plays guitar/ some vocals. I play drums and do vocals. I am looking into getting a drum microphone kit (probably a 5-7 mic kit) so we can start recording drums. I know to record vocals and guitars there are interfaces like the M-Audio Fasttrack and recording software (We are planning on purchasing that) But what I am confused about is what do I need to plug all those drum microphones into so I can put the audio onto my computer and recording software. Cause there will be around 5-7 mics. I have an 8 channel Powered mixer, but we usually use that to play through the PA's, plug guitars into, plug a microphone into, etc. I don't know if that would be useful for drum recording or anything but what do I know, Im still a teenager trying to learn what I can and pursue a dream. So please any help from experienced people would be much appreciated. (Also consider we are teenagers and are on a sorta slim budget)

Are there any free societies left in the world, that arent considered 3rd world countries?

Are there any countrys that have cultures/societys that does not have to be ruled and controlled by the government, but still maintains order and is not chaotic? I am not going to get into any details, but Frankly I am SICK of the American Greed-Government!

Should we give aid to India when they have more billionaires then us ?

Plus india gives aid to other countrys , is all off this a little messed up , and the organisers and takers up to no good.

After Effects FPS and audio problem?

I'm using After Effects CS4, and my video camera shoots at 60 frames per second. After Effects slowed the video down, because it was trying to play it at 30 fps. When I sped the video up to 60 fps, the audio automatically sped up to 2x faster. The video was playing fine, but the audio was ridiculously faster than the video. Did I do something wrong? Help!

When is conception date?

How do I calculate the pregnancy if I had sex the day BEFORE my period was supposed to come. If I go by my last normal period it says my conception day is May 20 which is way off. I didn't have sex till about 2 weeks later. Do I still use the first day of my last period or can I modify it till around the day I had sex. I'm sure it's that day, I've only had sex 1 time within 6 months! Please don't be rude, I'm not some careless teen, I'm married, have a job, etc.

Car stereo speakers only work half the time?

i have and 07 chevy classic and ive been having trouble with my stereo speakers, the front left driver side speaker is the only one working all the time, all the other time the right front side and both the back speaker do not work, but on certain days they will,the right front will work and the back 2 will still not work,and then one day they all will work and the next day its back to just the foint left working, i dont know if its the wiring or what, im just looking for some answers and what i need to do to fix it. also the speaker are not blown being as how they work every now and again, but on the right front if i change my audio just to that soeaker i can hear the music coming out of the speaker but very faintly,but ive checked it and it is not blown. but any help would be appreciated.

How do I re-enable my built in speakers on my acer mini laptop?

Yesterday, my speakers were working fine, but today, when I tried to play music from Windows Media Player, no sound came, but this is the message that popped up from Windows Media Player "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There might not be a sound device installed on your computer, it might be in use by another program, or it might not be functioning properly." I tried to re-enable them using the control panel, but it said there was No audio device. Can someone help me? I think one of my family members disabled it, but I don't know how to re-enable it. Please help me. :(

Audio and video cable not working?

I just got this audio & video cable made by iwave (model IA7505) and it doesn't work. One end plugs into the iPods headphone jack and the other into av jacks in your television. I went online to see if I could diagnose the problem but it didn't help much iwave's website said its plug and play but it isn't working. Anybody have any ideas about what I may be doing wrong? Do I have to change settings on my iPod? (my iPod is a 4th gen iPod touch if it matters at all)

Do you think a lot of times when people say they don't care they actually do care?

Especially young people? I hear people throwing around "I don't give a fck!'' all the time. It's like, yeah right. if you're that careless/thoughtless you have no place on this planet. It's so ridiculous, I feel like many people are putting up a front.

Cool Alto Saxophone Songs?

Does any one know how to play any songs on alto sax. Like careless whisper or stevie wonder. something like that. Also can you just write the name of the songs and the fingerings? ex: Mary had a little lamb: B A G A B B B B B B B B B

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What countrys is Armenia near?

It's not far away from Ukraine. But not that near as Azerbaijan or Georgia. a href="" rel="nofollow"

Memorizing the asian countrys and capitals?

I got a geography test later this week and its over the asian countrys and capitals. Can anyone give me any useful idea's to help me learn them better?

Help?! Computer sound problems?

i dont have speakers for my computer , but i use earphones , sometimes when i started my computer , the sound wouldnt work & id have to restart it & it worked again , but for like a week now , it wont work , & there is usually a speaker symbol at the bottom right hand corner to adjust the volume & it isnt there anymore , i went to my control panel & went to the sounds , speech & audio devices & it wont let me click on any settings because it says "No audio devices" , how can i fix this ? btw i have a dell computer .

Why does my microphone fade out after 2-3 seconds whilst using Skype and eluminate?

My headset microphone becomes muffled, fades and then dead after 2-3 seconds. Using the Skype call tesingt service reveals excellent sound for just 2 seconds then it goes. I have checked and reinstalled the Realtec Audio driver but it made no difference. Of course my troubleshooters tell me everything is working normally. Any suggestions?

Do Maori, Aboriginals & Natives deserve a special place in their country?

No, they don't. Since the beginning of the humans species one group has pushed another from their land. These people are not special in anyway shape or form and deserve no special treatment.

Who is in the wrong here?

My fiancee smokes pot and I HATE it, I mean, I have nothing against smokin' folk, but when he smokes, he becomes negligent, ignores me, and gets dependent on it and if he can't find any, he resorts to spice (incense K12) and that makes him downright disrespectful and careless to everything and anything that pertains to me. I asked him ( this was like 3 months ago) if he would be respectful enough to ask me before he just goes off and does it since it is something I really hate. I said "if you have the respect enough to ask if it would bother me, it would really make things a lot smoother". I am not trying to control him, cause he knows he does whatever he wants, I just want him to realize that something that makes me uneasy, should be discussed, as if my opinion on the matter is valid in whether he does it or not. So for the past 3 months, just about every time he wants to buy some, he comes up, tries to manipulate me with hugs and kisses and of course I say it is okay, I have been so lenient and okay with it cause he has had the respect to ask me. Yesterday, he dawns on me that "it doesn't matter what you say, yes or no.. I am going to do it anyway cause I neeeeeeeed it, my job sucks" I said "so why did you ask me in the first place!" he said "cause you asked me to, so you would think your opinion is valid when it really isn't, you can't control me, I am going to do what I want, and when I want, you have no say" I said " I don't want to control you, I just don't like you doing it! What, you think I wanted you to ask me cause I just wanted to hear the words?" After all that, with no solution, we played the silent treatment, went to his moms for a feast, at this time he was starting to be nice to me, as if he was going to be sorry. On the way back, we drove to walmart and parked right along side his Cousins car (his cousin was in the car) my fiancee hands me a 20$ bill and asks me to go shopping for food, I look dumbfounded as to why we are here, then he gets out of the car to get into his Cousins car and I go "are you kidding me? After this huge, unsolved argument that took the whole day you are going to go smoke up in your cousins car and send me to buy milk and eggs.." he goes "yup, well if you want to buy cookies, go ahead, I told you I am going to do what I want, see you in a bit". So now I am infuriated by his audacity, who is in the wrong here, and who is in the right, if anyone, just be honest. I need someone to make sense.

Why do People Hate Amereica?

America Is't bad people just bag on us cus we are a superpower And other countrys goverment is more currupted then ours and we don't chop peoples lims off and do stuff like that!!! And america helps other countrys like japan and the earthquake!! and haiti

Video cable for iPod not working?

I just got one of those audio and video cables that you plug into the headphone jack of the iPod and the other end goes into the av jacks of your television. I plugged it in correctly but it's not working. Does anybody know what might be wrong? Do I have to do anything on my iPod to get it to work?

What would be a cheaper holiday?

Depends on the time of year you go and when you book it.. I just got back off a holiday to Ibiza, I booked it 5 days before I went and I paid 248 pounds all inclusive (that included my baggage fees and the coach to and from my hotel..what a bargain!). Just go in thomas cook and see what deals they have, or try some of the holiday websites. I use They have some great deals there. Good luck!

Would you rather be careful, careless, carefree, a carrot, or a Carebear?

carefree! hakuna matata, you know. a life with no worries. doing what you wanna do, taking your time, no pressure..

What would happen if you jumped through earth?

If someone drilled a hole down through and out the other side of earth then someone jumped down that hole how would you come out because your falling downwards so whatever countrys on the other side will be facing the sky and your upside down???Or would you be falling so fast that you will just end up shooting into the sky?

Careless Driving vs Move Over Law?

I would highly recommend getting a traffic lawyer and getting him/her to handle this. Move over law in most states is just a fine but careless driving is a fine and points on your license which will cause your insurance rates to go up a ton. Any male under 25 has high insurance rates but once you get any points on your license it goes up big time.

Worried for sister because she might become pregnant?

you must tell ur sister that its not good. if u have yo sex with some one then do after u marray. becaue that is a legal one. n now u will ruin ur life. it is not a good time

How do I upload an audio file from my phone?

I have a long audio clip I recorded from my phone. Is there anywhere online i can send it to to listen to it?

WHAT ARE HI8S INTENTIONS??? HE'S AN OLDER MEN!........................?

So I met this guy at the bar. I admit, he is a bit on the wealthy side, and he is out of my race as well, but I can careless about it because I like men in general! Also, the fact that he has money is flattering but it doesn't matter to me either. Any who, I'm a bit skeptical about him and his intentions. I'm 21, mixed African American nursing student/model and he is a 35 year old CEO Caucasian Jew. When we talk he pays attention to my every detail, from how I smile, to my laugh, and my over all funny, down to earth personality! I told him, the day I met him that i was celibate and that I have been for 6 months and I won't break that for anything or anyone because I respect myself and the next guy I have sex with will be a guy who accepts me for me HANDS DOWN. He seemed to respect that... Or so I thought.. We went out recently, and I dressed to the 9's that day... He couldn't keep his eyes off of me. We kissed, which Is fine but then he got touchy touchy., I had to tell him SEVERAL times that I'm NOT that kind of girl and didn't want to do anything sexual with him but he couldn't help but keep his hands on me.... He finally stopped and took me home. before i got out of the car, he felt and looked bad and embarrassed and he apologized and told me that I really am not that kind of girl, and that i wasnt a whore because an averaag girl would of had sex with him and received a shopping spree and money in return, but i'm not because i dont care about that! I RESPECT myself.... he finally got that fact that I wasn't like that. He also said I'm an honest and genuine girl looking for a sweet guy to accept me and cherish me.. To be honest, i can get whatever men I desire and many of then offer to buy me things and take care of me financially but I refuse! and he knows this too. Any who, after that day he still hit me up on my phone to the next day to conversate but i was skeptical of him so i didnt really say much to him. He even called me "babe" when he texted me. He is a really busy man but he always make time for me to say, "good morning", and check up on me.So my question here is what are his intentions?!?? I'm afraid that I might actually like him... I like the fact that he pays ALOT of attention to me and he even wrote down the things that I like, my favorite color, what I like to do, ect. He even checked my cell phone to see what guy I was talking to, 3 times!! I don't approve of it and I always snatch my phone back but he checks my messages to see who I'm talking to.. Any advice???

Good subwoofers for music?

i want to get a subwoofer for music, not for movies or anything... and its gonna be in my bedroom which is 13 by 13. also, i dont want so buy a vandersteen or whatever they are cause its like $1,300. i just want a general idea on what subwoofers are good for music, like a polk audio i listen to rap, as in tech n9ne, tupac, dr dre, nwa, ice cube, and mostly older rap.. thanks for helping.

Who should get the car after accident?

i got into a car accident a few months ago, still haven't found out what the insurance company's haven't decided on fault but my car was totalled. I got the ticket for faliure to yeild, civil no injuries just car damage. the car was given to me by my uncle for good grades and getting a scholarship about a month before. Now school is gonna start up again soon so we;ve been talking about buying another car from the money from my car. My older brother has been arguing that he should get the car since he got '98 nissan(which was my mom's car before her new one) and my mom agrees.. they keep on saying i got away easy and that i deserve punishment but I think I should get the car, it was my car that got totalled and it wasn't like i was gunning to get into the accident and i wasn't being careless

How Can I Lose My Self In The Moment For This Monologue?

Monologues are tricky to pull off for any actor, but many people might be surprised to know there’s just as much work that goes into comedic monologues as in dramatic monologues.

Why is the alcohol age 21 and why is it taken too seriously?

yeah i agree the drinking age in the united states is kinda ridiculous but its also based off the fact that your brain isn't fully developed until your aorund 21. Binge drinking can cause stunted development of the frontal lobe of your brain.. which by the way controls your ability to make good common sense decisions. it should be 18 or 19 though. i think that's reasonable

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

People in Foreign Countrys?

I'm in Sweden. If I look outside of my window I see our firepit and our garden. The weather is cloudy and a bit cold. I see our neighbors backyard but no people. :)

Who is in the wrong here?

My fiancee smokes pot and I HATE it, I mean, I have nothing against smokin' folk, but when he smokes, he becomes negligent, ignores me, and gets dependent on it and if he can't find any, he resorts to spice (incense K12) and that makes him downright disrespectful and careless to everything and anything that pertains to me. I asked him ( this was like 3 months ago) if he would be respectful enough to ask me before he just goes off and does it since it is something I really hate. I said "if you have the respect enough to ask if it would bother me, it would really make things a lot smoother". I am not trying to control him, cause he knows he does whatever he wants, I just want him to realize that something that makes me uneasy, should be discussed, as if my opinion on the matter is valid in whether he does it or not. So for the past 3 months, just about every time he wants to buy some, he comes up, tries to manipulate me with hugs and kisses and of course I say it is okay, I have been so lenient and okay with it cause he has had the respect to ask me. Yesterday, he dawns on me that "it doesn't matter what you say, yes or no.. I am going to do it anyway cause I neeeeeeeed it, my job sucks" I said "so why did you ask me in the first place!" he said "cause you asked me to, so you would think your opinion is valid when it really isn't, you can't control me, I am going to do what I want, and when I want, you have no say" I said " I don't want to control you, I just don't like you doing it! What, you think I wanted you to ask me cause I just wanted to hear the words?" After all that, with no solution, we played the silent treatment, went to his moms for a feast, at this time he was starting to be nice to me, as if he was going to be sorry. On the way back, we drove to walmart and parked right along side his Cousins car (his cousin was in the car) my fiancee hands me a 20$ bill and asks me to go shopping for food, I look dumbfounded as to why we are here, then he gets out of the car to get into his Cousins car and I go "are you kidding me? After this huge, unsolved argument that took the whole day you are going to go smoke up in your cousins car and send me to buy milk and eggs.." he goes "yup, well if you want to buy cookies, go ahead, I told you I am going to do what I want, see you in a bit". So now I am infuriated by his audacity, who is in the wrong here, and who is in the right, if anyone, just be honest. I need someone to make sense.

Do the people you live with wash dishes properly?

Me too. If someone else washes them, I have to rewash them. That is why I just rewash and use the same stuff.

Why in the world do we give millions and billions to other countrys when we need here in the united states?

it here in our country? The American people need it more and we have a right to it. We have homeless and we have veterans that could use that. We need to look at our people first. Not just to throw away our money for others.

Where is the high pitched scream used in the Pain Series Page on Encyclopedia Dramatica?

It starts out as a short scream, then descends into an ear piercing yell. does anyone know where I can get the audio from?

I would like my boyfriend to stay away from his ex girlfriend...?

I asked for all communication to becut and for him to stop talking to her and being her fruiend is out of the question he agreed but every so often he'll say "i saw" or "i ran into Brittney today i pulled over to her at the gas station and we talked for a little buit she was on her way to walk her dogs and i listen but at the same time i get agitated because i dont liek the thought of them talking they were together 5 years and im sure they still miss each other at times but i feel hes with me now and all tithes with ex are cut they have no children togetehr so thety have no reason to keep in contact at all. and truthfully it bothers me that he wants to be friends with her i dont mind being cool or cordial but trying to play the friend role and hang out is a big h3ll no in my book. At the same time i dont want to tell him what to do i cant control the person he is i just dont trust it my heart and feelings are involved. Im not really sure what to do or how to deal with the sirtuation. At times i get tired of hearing this girls name i dont care much for her so i kinda hate when he tells me he saw or spoke to her because i could careless he knows me and this girl dont like each other sho why does he continue to tellhim of his run in with her i dont understand. Can some please help me understand or give me som advice on how to deal witht his situation.

I heard a country song on the radio the other day?

it was something like this countrys gone country crazy or something like that does anyone know the name of this song i would love to have it

Help Cell phone change countrys over?

Hey everyone i have my phone from aussie im Living in nz an i wanna use it so i can in nz i put my new zealand sim in an it comes up with sim unavailable please contact your derive provider i not keen to go in cause it is a hour an something drive from the farm i live on is there ways i can by pass it if yes please give me ya email or explain over this thank you! ps i am vodafone nz 2 might change to 2dergre

What do you think I should do.? ?

Okay well I have be dating my boyfriend for about 3 or 4 months and I use to go out with him every day until I got probation and now I can't even step foot on my front or back yard but now he has been really distant with me he will say to me I'll see you when I can and the only time I do ever see him Is when he comes to my window but now it's even worse he not only go out without me but with a bunch of careless people including other girls and he has a new phone and he told me when he was at my window man this ***** be blowin up my phone I don't no what to do I want to go out with one night just to see who he hangs with and what girls are there because I no it's wrong but I don't trust him at all help me please.?:/ (and knowing I'm on probation I can't even go out to see who's there or not it pisses me off alott)

Sims 3 create a movie how to use your own audio?

Im making a sims 3 movie in the sims 3 create a movie tool on the sims 3 website. Im making a music video and need to use my own song is there anyway i can? please help!! thanks <3

Skype help! I can't hear them, they can hear me.?

I am trying to skype with a friend and they are able to hear me and I can not hear them. I have done chat with multiple people and I am sure they are talking because the blue ring around their profile picture lights up. I have tried echo123 and couldnt hear anything. When I go on audio setting (from the skype toolbar), the speakers appear to be working fine when people talk the green bar goes up and down however I still cant hear them... Any help would be appreciated

Please check out my song!?

So i wrote a song for me and my girlfriends year anniversary, and later turned it into a school project. My friend James and I created a band called VirteX and recorded the song and made a music video for it. If you would be so kind and check it out i would appreciate it VERY VERY much!! Go to youtube and look up Soon by VirteX. Youtube user name is knockoutcombo. Please keep in mind that the song came from my heart and took very hard work. I play the guitar and sing. James does the drums. The intro is sketchy because the audio got messed up, but give it a chance before you end it because of the intro. Rude comments will be ignored.

If people hate America so much why do they look up to it?

I see so many people in America say they hate it and ****. I see people from other countrys they hate it. But I see more people say they love it, people that have never been to America love America. People wanna go to America not to visit but to live there. People want to live in America rather than just visit and site see. Some countries, like Japan, even want to copy America. So why do so many people hate America when more people love it? Are people jellous of America so the only way they know how to say it is to hate it and call all American's fat? I've herd some people call American's savages and blood thirsty killers. I see other countries do and have done much worse than America has ever done. I'm just asking, why hate such a grate thing? Why dislike a country that has helped so many countries and is the reason some countries still are around.

Are Habitat for Humanity's trips to foreign countrys safe?

I'm 18 and I really would like to go on a Habitat for Humanity trip to Fiji this summer but my mom is really worried about my safety on the trip since I would be going alone.

How can I insert different audio effects in slides ?

i changes my slide show to automatic but the prob is that the same music is being played in all of them , i cant find a way to allot them diff ones . pls help

A work place issue that's relly bothering me?

Hi Manoj, Dont bother about.There are some people like this in the world.In my office also.Dont bother about it.

Is Gerald Celente right?...Is all hope really lost for the USA economy? Will it die out and people riot &kill?

I agree with you but think of the bright side you get to sit on your porch with a shot gun in your lap and get to shoot at random people walking by. Things would settle down eventually and the U.S. would settle into a groove that may not have government but hey it will work some how. Don't worry about it too much it will happen soon a few years maybe but life will go on, it always does.

Colleges that Offer Tesol Degree in Tennessee?

I am a student in High School, and I am looking into colleges, in order to be ready for what is ahead after high school. I know I want to Major in Teaching English as a Second Language, so that I can travel the world and teach students in other countrys our language, while learning theirs. I am looking for a college in the Middle Tennessee area, however I am open to various schools in Tennessee. I just want to be able to find aschool that offers what I want to be so I can be prepared!! Thanks(:

Whats countrys has the most immagration to the united states. look below?

that have dark brown eyes with dark brown hair white skin with a tan olive complexion and short with big eyes and lot of hair with thick eyebrows and stubby fingers

Question about financial aid FAFSA mistake?

ok i applied for FAFSA and TAP(nyc) for 2011-2012. I made a very very careless mistake about the family household. my sister moved out the house, so it was suppose to be 4 members instead of 5. This was just on my fafsa, i put the correct number on my TAP. I realized my mistake one day after the corrections deadline. what will happen to me???

Audio help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

alright i have this 40watt amp and 150 watt speakers and a 200 watt car radio, i want to hook everything together, will that be ok and safe for my speakers? also this system is going on a jet ski so the volume is going to be up loud!,

White America has given much to black America?

What do you expect when you have stolen most of what you have anyway. Ideas, land, lives, You need to give back what you have stolen.

Can I have a link for the latest update for Windows IDT Audio?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is this sentence grammatically correct?

The both of us understood the risks involved, so we tried to not be completely careless; or so we thought.

Can Windows Live Movie Maker do this?

The first one I have not been able to do either and its pissing me off. the others I dont know about.

Pleease can somebody tell me what this song is called?

Just put the song title into itunes, came up with a few - but mostly by Lata Mangeshkar..... hope this helps!

Will this computer support the sims 2?

Yes it should. More ram and a video card would help alot though. 512 Ram is barely enough to run XP let alone game. But it will play, just constantly page to the HD.

Why don't I panic anymore - careless?

Because u realize life becomes happy and carless free once u realize being serious and studying all the time makes u depressed.

Do you think their is more foreign EPL fans, then English ones?

most people in this section are from other countrys, i guess it's cos we have the ebst league in the world

Can you bbm internationally?

Bbm uses very little data. that wont be issue yes you can bbm internationally as long as you both have plans that have bbm

Anyone else experience inconsistencies with the points you award, and what comes up?

I've just given an answer 5 stars - and it shows up as only 1. This has happened so many times - the first time I thought I'd just been careless so have been extra careful ever since to make sure. Its really annoying. Why should I care?! - well, because when you want to show your appreciation for a good answer the one star is virtually an insult. Has anyone else had this? Yes, I know its petty - but the petty things are the annoying ones. Grrr!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Why are some countrys still industrializing?

Because political or other factors have kept these countries as primitive mostly agrarian societies during the last century of industrialization. I'm thinking mainly of China and India.

Ok i got four tickets from the state of alabama i need to no how much they might cost?

ok one is for careless Driving its yellow so i can pay it out of court the other 3 is Driving without a license no proof of insurance and seat belt violation and im 16

My duck has been missing for the past week and a bit! Help!?

Your duck could be alive & well but it's prob not. If you let fowl wander this is what can happen. I assume your family is well aware of this. Keep them in secured pens if you don't want to lose them. That's about all there is to it.

Should I give him an ultimatum because he doesn't want to compromise and I'm about to walk away for good.?

My fiance is in a motorcycle club which is fine with me because he loves motorcycles. our breakup was very painful. He begged and pleaded with me crying like a baby to take him back, he wants to marry me, etc. Now that we are moving towards getting married, I'm turned off because he goes to the motorcycle club every night and it's interrupting our family time. He comes home around 1 or 2 o'clock at the latest knowing he has to get up at 6 o'clock for work. I am to the point that I can careless about marrying him because no one is going to sit at home while he's at club meetings or anniversaries, meet-n-greets, etc. He makes tip money which is no money. He's quick to go and buy damn beer, snacks and **** for the club when he needs to be here with his family that he begged to take him back. He doesn't have a motorcycle so he do a lot of miscellaneous things like sweeping and cleaning for the next event. I can see him going to the meetings or whatever they do 2 or 3 days out of the week, but for the whole damn week! I'm not dealing with that. And to make matters worse, he's being late for work sometimes and it makes me really mad because he know he has to work but he chooses to hang out and drink. I and up to my neck frustrated with him because he needs to be more responsible and organized because he still doesn't get it..

Audio technica at2035 vs at2020?

I'm just starting out and I plan on getting the blue icicle xlr converter for the mics. But I don't now which is better the at2035 or at2020? Whats the difference? and I can get the at2035 for 90$ but idk about the at2020 are there any other good models for starting out? And also I do rap vocals so yeah

How do you make a youtube video?

I have a video of me singing but I want to have the audio of the video in the background while a picture is showing the entire time. Does anyone know how to do this?

Do polish people living in poland still get upset on world war 2 or still have doubts on specific countrys....?

Well, the war is over and there is nothing we can do for those who have died in war except to remember them in our hearts. What we can do not is to ensure that such things do not happen again.

My 18 year old son got into a car accident and charged with careless driving. He hit someone from behind when?

Since when does the law say you have to look behind you when stopping. Are you now supposed to look behind you when stopping so you can speed up when a driver decides to follow too close and not paying attention.

Im confused about soccer teams?

So in the World Cup, they play in like countrys like Portugal and Brazil and stuff. But if Cristiano Ronaldo plays on Real Madrid is that like a city? And why is it that Cristiano Ronaldo is on the same team as Kaka (Real Madrid) but Ronaldo played for Brazil in the World cup and Kaka played for Portugal?

How do I copy a finilized DVD to my computer using DVDfab? Or any other program?

I have a finilized dvd of a show I performed in but the sound is horrible, the volume I mean, very quiet. Im trying to rip the dvd to my computer using dvdfab so that I can edit the movie, insert chapters, and also make the volume of the audio louder. The only problem is that when I rip the dvd to my computer, the audio and video does not sync up, and the video is playing faster than real time. I have also tried using an older version of dvdfab and its the same.

When can i expect to overcome my fathers death, 20yrs old?

The truth is you never really get over a loss of a parent, its such a sad experience to be going through, and at times you will feel fine and at others very depressed when you least expect it. It sounds like your farther had a very active life , these are things your finding out about him now he is no longer here with you.. my advice is to talk to your mother if you can and hear the stories about your dad and embrace his life, it is sad v sad and your at a lonely place right now, you need to get out and about and see friends enjoy life the best you can.. try to embrace your dads life instead of mourning it, this is easier said... Concentrate on your degree put your energy into that as this would make him extremely proud of you.. Im sure he would hate it if he thought that you failed or didn't continue with your studying "make him proud of you" im sure he.. As for the watch that's a personal item of his, so treasure it and its part of him.. and although you have lost your farther in this world im sure he is looking over you and his loved ones. All the best xx

How can I get songs that are on my iphone on to my itunes.?

I have a Mac and I emptied my trash yesterday. I saw that there were audio files in there and at first i took them out but it wouldn't let me drop them into itunes. now it says that my songs "can not be found" and i have still synced my phone and the songs remain on there. I am only worried because i think i will lose the songs if i get a new phone which will happen eventually. is there anyway to get the songs off of my phone? please help me!!!

Worth it to get PowerMac G5?

For $250, it's worth it. If you want a desktop, it'll be a good computer to have if your macbook's monitor is small and you want the convenience of a desktop.

I need help with poetry meanings?

hahahaha Ryan SInk! xD this is in BYU hahaha i was doiin tha same thingg and i think this is you ..

What's the point of yahoo answers when people don't answer seriously?

i totally understand and i wonder the same thing. like do they just get to a certain point where they just wanna waste points and be ignorant? but the world is filled with loser with nothing else better to do *sigh* thanks for making a point to asked this well needed question though

Need help with my story!?

Hey people am writing a story and its about a world war set in the future, i want to know in my story there invading countrys which include my country uk, the usa, russia, italy and germany, now i am not realy into politics and strategic things so i am unsure about this sort of stuff, so like if i am to invade countrys in my story what citys do i need to gain control of so my story makes sense, cause i dont want people saying well how can they invade that city thats a stupid thing to do or its impossible to attack there without wiped out etc etc if this makes any sense? Does it matter where the seize begins? what cities? army barracks? Thanks for reading

Hello When I go In control panel I go to sound and audio Then I am not sure where tyo next to see what device?

My recording control grey out - Hello When I go In control panel I go to sound and audio Then I am not sure where tyo next to see what device is connected to my mic please help me

About Proxy changing?

I'd like some answers about proxy changer,how they work,what they do.And answer this question:my country just recently blocked torrent sites,theres a fine if you download any,i just broke in with a proxy changer and can download anything,but will I get caught,by my IP? P.S my countrys(Georgia) bullshit we dont have original disks or anything,our freakin goverment wants to make money and thats the reason theyre doing this.please help me

Mom makes me nervous to drive! :(?

Yes I have! My mom does the exact same thing, she gets pissed at me for the smallest things. Anyways, find someone else to drive with and avoid driving with your mom until you have perfected your skills.

Is it technologically possible to translate video and audio on the fly?

Technically yes but Google's translation page is about as good as the translations as you are going to get -- and try for example translating the lyrics to one of Cesaria Evora's songs even if they are in Cape Verdean Creole. There is nothing to say this sort of thing is unfeasible but the level of machine translations we are willing to accept is very low. It is not generally a good idea.

What is a communist? is it good or bad?

I have always wonderd what a communist is and never really understood it. Is it bad or good to be one? From what I seen on televesions many communist countrys look bad.

Do the Rothschilds control the price of gold?

Gold is the standard. An ounce of gold always is worth an ounce of gold. Currency value fluctuates. In the United States, it isn't that gold went up in value. It is that the US dollar went down.

Can i get a dual citizenship with US and Canada?

I live in the US and am thinking about moving to Canada but i don't want to give up my US citizenship but i heard if i get one i might have to pay taxes for both countrys.So please help me out here guys!

What would you do if you were the wealthiest man alive?

Would you pursue your dreams? Would you have political power? Would you try to change the world to what you thought was better? Of course you would. The real question is what happens if that idea of a better world was an evil one. What if all that power and wealth was put towards conquering instead of good. Is that really far fetched? Roman empire, christian crusades, british colonies, spanish conquistadors, napoleon, hitler. Rokefeller family? Rothschild family? The most wealthiest families in the world. Who control every countrys central banking system. What are they doing with all their power and influence? What are their beliefs and ideas? Why does noone ask these questions? Why arent you? Why arent you paying attention? They have already declared their ideas. Rothschild with the bavarian illuminati. Rockefeller with the Foreign Relations committe. Educate yourself. Draw your own conclusion. And remember, the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didnt exist.

Obama- silent hitler?

I don't have a personal problem with Obama but a problem with the system. Ok, why is Obama giving money to other countrys when our economy in a downfall?? Another big question is why don't citizens of america don't have a say in anything??? Another big question is why can we say anything (freedom of speech) but whats the point of writing a letter when there is no action? Instead of killing people they are silencing people by ignoring and not paying attention to what americans have to say. There are a lot of political "TALKS" (shows) about obama and washington but is there any action taken to the concerns of Americans and if washington is so "smart" then why is simply not spending so much money so hard to comprehend. Everything is taken sooooo important that the real issues are not even being addressed. Like giving billions to other countrys....what extreme important purpose is this for??? Countrys in need is important but can't other countrys help them and the governments of other countrys don't have money saved that would help their people. How do we know the money given is not going to be used for torrism or military. The United States have forgotten about americans so it seems. There are tons of programs for americans but action not money is the "need" here. Since we seem to have to much to give but are in debt above our heads. And are we paying the money that is going out of the country??????? That would really piss me off. But no use bc we have no say where our money is going. hince: silent hitler.

Monday, July 11, 2011

American state question... kinda long?

USA stands for united states of america, its all bunch of states, that is one country, not like Europe where its one big huge land with diffrent countrys. Anyway what would happen if one of the states votes not to be part of america, what would happen to that state, would it be its own country??( not that it would happen but if it did?)

How to burn a dvd after using the decrypter?

So I feel like i'm working in the dark here. After I decrypt a dvd from dvdfab I get a dvd file with a video and audio folder. So after searching and searching so I can just burn this dvd file to a blank disc finally I found a program that let me do this.. but after I got the new copied dvd to watch for myself well it only plays on the computer and none of the actually DVD players. So my question is in detail is there a simple free program that will let me burn the dvd file to a blank disc, that will actually play on DVD players? I dont want to convert the dvd file to a video format then burn it because i'm afraid it'll badly lose quality...

Connecting xbox 360 s to home theater?

You have to press the x button attach the linear cord to the umbilical then reroute the hd capacitator to the left outlet of the spruce treetops mount the red fricassee to the outboard and modular modem and then bam your good to

Im confused about the The united kindom and how it works?

Alright so Im a dumb american I guess, I dont understand I always thought everyone who had a british accent were from a country called england.... But recently i herd of like, Wales, great britain, and the UK. I thought they were all citys in england.. I dont understand and what is Ireland and Scottland there there own countrys so why are they called UK! I do not understand im so confused! Who rules over there? i thought it was Queen Elizabeth but then I herd they have a prime minister... So wth someone fill me in please !

How do I connect my xbox 360 to my samsung TV?

I have tried a couple different tv's around the hose and i can not get the picture to come in. the sound works buts for some reason when i connect my xbox to the tv the picture is fuzzy, and split in two and in black and white. the only way to get this poor picture and the audio is to use the green, red and white cords. but my xbox comes with a long grey cord that connects one end into the xbox and the other splits into two whit a red/white/yellow connectors and a set of green/blue/red connectors. I am using the one green one and the red/white from the other set. how do i get my picture to be clear and the sound to work so my kids can play xbox? HELPPPPP

Where does the last name Stevens come from?

iv been wondering and iv been curious for the longest on where my last name origionated from. what countrys did the surname Stevens come from?

Why is it that Hondurans are so osicones?

Those stupid central american changos are going to look like 8itches Mexico beat Costa Rica, Guatemala, & El Salvador ...countries from Central America all in one tournament...Honduras is left...Mexico will beat them WE CANNOT WAIT THOUGH, RELIANT BETTER BE PACKED WITH RAZA NOT MONKEYS!

Can i buy buy stuff from other countrys online?

i live in the UK (northern Ireland) and i want to buy something online that is only available in america (the price shows in dollars) so i want to know if i can still buy it using my credit card as normally.

What is the best video editor program for adding pictures to an audio file?

I have a an audio file, and I want to match pictures up with specific parts of it. I like camtasia, but it automatically makes the pictures like, go to the beginning., So if you have a better program please tell me, thank you :D

Portsmouth council and there houseing policy?

tonights news showed an imigrant being given a state of the art council property ,given the program we saw a week or so ago about the appaling situation of our indigenouse people desperate for social houseing ,how right can this be ,we had kids crowded into damp unsanitary properties ,and teenagers sleeping 4 to a room on sofas ,and parents knowing they will never get a property ,its long past the time for our goverment to put our people first ,and imigrants last ,try getting help in there countrys ,you would be lucky to get a tent .